
The same ... but better


Flexibility to add new assets by simply adding them to the DON.

Trading is facilitated through the USDT vault, eliminating the need to raise specific liquidity as all assets are synthetic.

Applicable to: commodities, NFT floors, forex pairs, combination of a basket of assets, indexes…

Minimum Slippage

To prevent exploitation similar to GMX, synthetic slippage has been introduced for crypto pairs, no effect on forex and other markets. link to read more.

Efficient Liquidity Use

Maximize capital efficiency by depositing USDT, earning yield, as well as receiving bearing-USDT token. (It has unlimited use-cases such as depositing it as collateral to get a loan and leverage your position)

Sustainable APR

The projected APR for the USDT vault is expected to exceed 10%, making it one of the most attractive options in the entire DeFi market.

Real Yield Protocol

Staking, LPs or referral rewards/yield are paid from trading fees. Deflationary protocol through automated token burns.

Last updated